Conférence annulée
Pour donner suite aux récents développements concernant le virus COVID-19, les ISM ont décidé d’appliquer les recommandations du gouvernement du Québec qui consistent à limiter les rassemblements qui ne sont pas nécessaires. C’est dans cet esprit que nous annulons les deux dernières conférences de la saison, soit celles de mars et avril. Ces deux conférences seront reportées à la saison 2020-2021.
Titre : Tradition and Technology – Rehabilitating the West Block of Parliament
Description : À venir. Cette conférence sera en français et en anglais.
Légal : Les conférenciers invités par «Ingénieurs en structure de Montréal» (ci-après ISM) sont entièrement responsables de leur présentation et de leur contenu. Le contenu de la présentation n’engage que le conférencier. Les renseignements diffusés lors des conférences organisées par ISM sont fournis sans aucune garantie et les opinions présentées demeurent celles du conférencier et non pas celles de ISM . «Ingénieurs en structure de Montréal» ne peut être tenue responsable de quelque erreur, inexactitude ou omission reliée à l’information diffusée lors de ses conférences. Enfin, ISM ne peut être tenue responsable de la non-conformité dans la transcription des extraits de norme, loi ou règlement reproduits ou résumés. Ces extraits sont présents afin de faciliter les explications et n’ont pas valeur de loi. Toute interprétation de norme, loi ou règlements doit être effectuée à partir des publications officielles.
Conférenciers pour cet événement
Nebojsa Ojdrovic founded Ojdrovic Engineering Inc. after 20 years of university teaching and consulting practice. He is responsible for the management and co-ordination of multi-disciplinary projects. His strengths include collaborative cooperation with architects, mechanical and electrical engineers, interior designers, and other consultants and stake holders. For most of the projects he is responsible for the overall supervision and conceptual guidance of investigations, feasibility, assessment, and structural and seismic design. Nebojsa recently participated as a specialist lecturer in three seasons of collaborative engineering and architectural design studio at the University of Toronto. For the last 18 years, Nebojsa has participated in investigative and design work for the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. He is the Principal in charge of the West Block Parliament Building Rehabilitation Project. His responsibilities include communication with stakeholders, the multi-disciplinary team of consultants, the Client, the House of Commons representatives, and others. He has prepared and delivered a number of presentations and participated in many meetings and workshops in Canada and abroad related to this project. Aside from his expertise in heritage engineering, he was a principal in charge of several new demanding structures. The most notable one is the West Block Parliament Building courtyard infill structure in Ottawa where his versatility in solving difficult and unusual engineering problems was utilized. The House of Commons will be temporarily located in the courtyard during the rehabilitation of Centre Block. The complex and unusual infill structure consists of a space truss roof assembly, ornamental structural steel tree-like columns supported on Level 2 steel framing, and a steel moment frame and perimeter reinforced concrete walls down to the bedrock at level B2. A new 65,000 square foot primary school, two 220 bed long term care homes, a church, a banquet hall, and several school additions show the diverse nature of Nebojsa’s engineering skills.
Georges Drolet is known for his ability to develop intervention strategies adapted to the character of heritage buildings, including the addition of new structures. Whether a project requires rehabilitation, conversion, upgrading, expansion or extensive restoration, Georges' 33 years of experience allow him to offer innovative architectural solutions that respect the built environment. He has been an Associate and Director at EVOQ since January 2007 and holds the roles of Managing Partner, Design Architect, and Project Manager.Georges has made an active contribution to the dissemination of the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. As an architectural historian, he taught the history of architecture and heritage conservation in various Montreal universities. He is also the author of numerous heritage conservation studies, many of which have been presented at conferences and in specialized journals. Georges has been a member of the Montreal Heritage Council since July 2015. He was also a member of the ICOMOS Canada Board of Directors from 2013 to 2018, where he served as Vice-President from July 2017 to May 2018.
Jane Krisanova is a senior structural engineer with 20 years of experience in the design of structures in a country with severe seismic activity. Jane was chief of the structural engineering department. She was responsible for technical decisions and quality of the projects prepared by the 16 structural engineers of the department. Her duties include structural and seismic analysis and design of steel, reinforced concrete, masonry and wood structures, retrofit and strengthening of the existing buildings, computer modelling and analysis of new and existing structures, coordination of drawing production, site inspections and reporting. Her duties also include mentoring of young engineers. Jane was the chief engineer for the West Block Courtyard design. She performed rigorous structural and linear and non-linear seismic analyses in order to prove that the building meets the intent of the National Building Code.