Earthquake Time Histories for Engineering Design
The increasing use by engineers of nonlinear response history analysis requires that the characterization of seismic demand extend beyond relatively simple intensity measures to suites of acceleration histories. Consequently, issues related to the selection and scaling of acceleration histories for engineering applications have become critical.
How many time histories are required? How should they be selected and scaled? What are the pros and cons of alternative procedures in terms of their validity, efficacy and implications for nonlinear response?
These topics will be explored in this presentation, beginning with methods to define “design ground motions” and extending to practical procedures to select and scale time histories.
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La présentation se tiendra en anglais .
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Gail Atkinson is an internationally-renowned engineering seismologist. She has been responsible for seismic hazard analyses for major engineering projects in Canada, the United States and overseas, and is active on Canadian code committees responsible for developing seismic design regulations. She has served as President of the Seismological Society of America (2001-2003) and has authored more than 100 articles on earthquake ground motions and hazards.