Analysis and Design of Concrete Shear Wall Buildings Below Plastic Hinge
Clause in the 2014 edition of CSA A23.3 requires a special analysis to determine the factored shear force and corresponding factored bending moment applied to the shear wall below the plastic hinge. This analysis must consider the possible range of stiffnesses accounting for the level of cracking and quantity of reinforcement in members such as the diaphragms interconnecting walls below the plastic hinge. This seminar will present the background to Clause and how to conduct a simplified analysis considering only the structure below the plastic hinge.
This conference will be presented in English. Cette conférence sera présentée en anglais.
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Professor Perry Adebar is Chair of the Standing Committee on Earthquake Design (SC-ED) responsible for Clause 4.1.8 in the National Building Code of Canada, and is Chair of the Technical Subcommittee of CSA A23.3 responsible for Clause 21 in CSA A23.3.