Kimberley Robinson has been involved in the Buckling Restrained Brace industry for nearly 10 years. She and her team at Star Seismic/ CoreBrace work closely with engineers and designers on the design of the entire buckling-restrained brace frame (BRBF) seismic system. She has authored numerous articles on BRB’s, speaks regularly on related topics at conferences and is a contributor to the first, second and third AISC Seismic Manuals. She is also a Corresponding Member of the AISC Seismic Committee, TC-9.
Kimberley is a registered structural engineer in Utah and a licensed professional engineer in California, Washington, Oregon, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Connecticut. She began her career working on-site in structural steel project management for several large-scale projects and Olympic venues. She moved on to consulting engineering, where she specialized in office buildings, mixed-use facilities, and retail centers. She also represented the American Institute of Steel Construction as AISC’s Northwest Regional Engineer. She has served on the State Board for the Structural Engineer’s Association of Utah twice and is the incoming President of that organization. She has been awarded the “2013-2014 Engineer of the Year Award” from SEAU, as well as the “2014 Engineer of the Year Award” from the Utah Engineering Council, representing all engineering disciplines in the state of Utah. Kimberley received her degree from the University of Utah and was awarded their “Distinguished Alumni Award” in 2014 from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She currently serves on the Industrial Advisory Board for the College.
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